Tuesday, October 02, 2007

How to Know God

First off, it's impossible to prove God.
Second, knowing about God is not the same as knowing God.
Thirdly, God has a lot of immitators.

So, to start off with, it's important to figure out what it is that we're trying to know.
As God is classically defined, God is omniscient(all knowing), omnipotent(all powerful), and omnipresent(everywhere). Basically, God is a limitless phenomena.

All knowingness…
imagine all of the 'information' in the universe…all the information about how the world is, how the world was, and how the world can/will be.
It's common to say that the past is dead, and that the future doesn't exist…but consider potential for a moment. For anything to exist…for anything to happen…for anything to be conceptualized…the potential for it to exist…for it to happen…for it to be conceptualized, exists.
In order for these letters to appear on this page, the potential for them to appear on this page had to have already existed. Like files on a computer, the information exists even when it isn't being accessed. The potential for every possibe arrangement of everything exists in timelessness.
We can call this perfect organization of information 'omniscience'.

All Powerfulness…
At first glance, one could presume that omniscience might as well be synonymous with all powerfulness. However, if one wished to go a bit deeper, it wouldn't be amiss to outline more of the traits that constitute all powerfulness.
In order to be all powerful, it would seem that a thing would have to not be subject to threats. From 'A Course in Miracles' we're taught that “that which is real cannot be threatened”. Threatening realness cannot influence realness to cease being realness. Attacking realness cannot threaten realness. Truth is that which does not change.
The question of All-Powerfulness also raises an important question: the question of evil.
If God is all powerful, and all good, then why does God permit 'bad' things to happen?
The answer to this question is both simple and complex. Suffice it to say, for our purposes, that an omniscient Divinity would not operate in such a way that was contrary to perfect reason.
Buddha taught that 'suffering exists, but none who suffer'.
This lesson is integral to understanding All-Powerfulness. Surely, if we may percieve suffering, yet not be the actual subjects of that suffering(on a spiritual level), then we must consider the possibility that nothing which happens is actually bad, but rather, that everything which we percieve as 'bad' serves a plethora of divine purposes: to establish karmic opportunities; to achieve karmic equilibrium…essentialy to teach us.
That which is real cannot be threatened. It seems as though existence as we know it is all the evidence necessary in order to witness omnipotence. There is order to the universe after all. A tree sprout will not grow into an inside out hippopotamus after all.

It's the puzzle of locality. If everything exists in the universe, then what does the universe exist in? and what does that exist in? and so on.
At some point, locality has to arise out of nonlocality…just as it does in the mind when we imagine a table. We can imagine its hardness, its texture, its weight, its colour…and yet that table exists nowhere in discernable locality.
The fact that God is not provable, as circular as this may seem, is evidence for the nonlocality of Divinity. And if everything exists in nonlocality, then everything which exists occupies the same space as nonlocality. Omnipresence.

So omniscience, omnipotence, and omnipresence are all real phenomena…
timelessness…infiniteness…and nonlocality…all real phenomena…
These are essentially the Nature of nature. Divinity. God.

…so having established the basics of what we can know about God, how does one go about actually knowing God?
How does one appeal to the will of Divinity, when Divinity already has a perfect knowledge? It doesn't seem as though it would make sense for Divinity to go and change its will for someone whose will has already been anticipated…
How does one appeal to omnipotence? if everything already operates according to its unstoppable order?
“Truth is verifiable only by identity with it, not by knowing about it.” - David R. Hawkins.
To know God, one must surrender all disagreement with God's will.
To know God, one must surrender all resistance to God's power.
When God's will and one's own will are no longer dualistic…when God's power is no longer separate from one's own accountability, then one is One with God. There is no longer a knowing 'about'. There is only knowing.

…the only thing now, is that we must be weary of God's many immitators.
How to identify immitators of God:
if something has finite locality…as kind and loving as it may appear, it is not God(at best an expression of God's Love…but be sure to remain focused on God, and not simply the manifestation).
if something appeals to you by coersion/bribe/temptation, it is not God. God is all powerful, and has no need to seek your compliance.
if some force comes to you looking for answers, even if they are answers about yourself, it is not God. God knows you. At best, these questions may arise out of some desire to know yourself…at worst, they may come from some entity that would play on those questions to create doubt, and inflate its own importance in such a way as to inspire you to follow it.
if something is not expressing all goodness, it is not God. No suffering is the fault of God…it is the fault of false identification…of ego…of illusionary attatchments.

Basically, omniscience, omnipotence, omnipresence and all-goodness are the qualities that we must keep in mind. If we maintain a focus on knowing these when we see them, then it can only follow that we will also know God.


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