Tuesday, October 02, 2007

The Absolute, The Relative and True Knowledge

If reality is infinite context, then the Absolute and the Relative are the same thing.
Assuming that reality is True Knowledge(not to be confused with knowledge about something), then reality must be that which can be known, not simply the sum of the things that we know about.

What can be known though? Everything appears to be subjective and relative.

I am.

Knowledge is Identity.
That I am is the only subjectively verifiable fact.
If reality is the sum of that which can be known,and all that can be known is that I am, then True Knowledge is to identify oneself as the totality of All that exists! including the accountability of all that exists!(an important distinction to make, simply that the ego isn’t the sum of the Self, but the Self is the sum of totality.)

As Christ taught, one must die unto oneself that he may truly live.
How can one live, without knowing life? How can one live, without being life, if this premise is indeed correct?
To die unto oneself then, is to relinquish attatchment to any limited identity.

Truth is verifiable only by identity with it, not by knowing about it.” -David R. Hawkins


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