Tuesday, October 02, 2007

Genius: One of the Many Paths

Now, to begin, let us be clear that genius and high IQ are not the same phenomenon. –at least not in this context.
While a high IQ might reflect a vastness of experience and inherent ability to calculate and discern based on observable factors, genius is much simpler.
Genius is doing exactly what is most appropriate in any given situation.
Anyone can be a genius. Not everyone can have a soaring IQ.

It’s not uncommon for a genius to live out on the countryside, living very simply. A genius doesn’t try harder than is necessary, nor does a genius waste energy on laziness.
The beauty of the path, is that it draws one into Prescence.
Being in prescence is what is most approriate in any given situation.
Making calculations based on past memory and future expectation is not prescence. When one’s attention is not on ‘what is’ he is not present in the Now.
Now is the only chance anyone ever has to do anything, and the genius lives this truth.

Genius only works with that which is tangible. The present reality is the only tangible thing at anyone’s disposal. Being in prescence is the only access that one has to any of it!

So one might ask then, ”without consideration for past or future, how can one do the most appropriate thing?
Consider the nature of the question…
What answer does it seek?
It seeks a future where one can do the most appropriate thing! It comes from a past where appropriate action perhaps was not always the case.
A question from the past; about the future.
In prescence, there is no question, and no answer! –only what is appropriate. As soon as one begins to view it as either a question or an answer, he’s no longer the moment! just a perspective of the moment. The unfolding of existence as experienced on the edge of that unfolding is prescence.

At this point, the paths of the heart, of the mind, of surrender and of negation, all merge into one. ‘Process’ dissolves into beingness.
From here, there is only the service of Grace.


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