Thursday, September 27, 2007

The State of the World

A lot of people will say the world is in worse shape now than it has ever been... but if there's any sign that things are getting better, it's that people are noticing the stuff that society needs to work on; noticing the areas of society where there's room for improvement.
Big corporations were LESS rsponsible in the 80s...but now people are aware of it and think that it's bad. Being aware is an improvement though.

People are becoming more and more interested in spirituality and philosophy (even though the interest might not necessarily be a religious one). They seriously question the integrity of going to war. As recently as the mid 1900s, people would barely bat an eye when their country went to fight in a war - Even if the country they were fighting had never attacked them before! Now, if someone flies a plane into a tower and kills thousands of people on your home soil, people examine the integrity of mounting a military response against the transgressors' country. They might arrive at different conclusions on the matter...but it's still an improvement.

Also, we've got the internet! and more people than ever are getting into post secondary education.

there have also been tremendous medical breakthroughs in the last 20 years...

there's no doubt that the world is changing for the better - and fast. Also, it's no surprise that the road is currently bumpy - adjusting and assimilating is no easy task; transitions are never easy, but we're up for it! The state of the world is good.


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