Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Look into My Eyes...

the interesting thing about looking into someone's eyes is that you actually are looking 'INTO' the person...which wouldn't be that significant in itself, except for the fact that the rest of the time we are focused on the near side of objects.
Looking into someone's eyes entails a shift in perceptual context...the focus isn't manipulative (as focus on the near side of things facillitates), rather, the focus is on the far side - it becomes inclusive!
It's basically like a metaphysical hug of sorts.

...interestingly, as much as this supports the notion that the eyes are the window to the soul, it also suggests that they are the mirror to the soul as well...since the soul that we see is often just the reflection of our own in another. (perhaps all there really is is one soul that we all share?)

Whatever the case may be, locking eyes with another person is always a powerful and transformative experience.


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