Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Some thoughts about horoscopes...

...It's like a fortune cookie. Though it may not be a causal factor in your daily routine, it can most certainly be an influential one.
If a fortune cookie says that I will be lucky today, it might influence me to be more perceptive of the good things which do happen in my life, and thus, the quality of my life is directly improved by the influence of an impersonal saying which came out of a cookie.
With horoscopes it's the same. Peraps there is a corelation between the stars and the events and influences in our lives...but that's not the point. It may be the methodology, but it's not the point. The point is personal growth and awareness...and if anything facillitates that, pseudo-scientific or otherwise, it is effective, and thus, interesting.

My personal belief is that some horoscopes are much more appropriate to specific birth dates than others. If you assembled 1000 people of each sun sign, there would most certainly be some qualities which dominate each group.
Though I don't particularly subscribe to astrology, there is most definitely a distinct predisposition which is more common among Aquarians, say, (Note: I am one, so take that as bias, or as support for my assertion - whichever you prefer) which sets them apart from other signs.
It may be related to the season that the child was born (winter babies might be more comfortable with cooler temperatures for example)... but that would most definitely corelate with the position of the earth in relation to the sun, and thus to the stars and planets as well.

But yeah, as easy as it is to substantiate it, it's really the benefits that astrology has in cultivating self-awareness that gets people so entrained with it...so depending on one's approach, it can be good healthy fun. (Although there are probably more effective means of pursuing enlightenment, lol)


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