Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Pacifism vs. Non-Resistance

If one is a pacifist simply in opposition to violence, then one still has violence in them that requires attention.
There is conflict, and there is the absence of conflict. One cannot have an 'anti-conflict' approach to true pacifism, as such an approach is conflicting in itself. It is self-destructive, and essentially setting oneself up to die for one's beliefs - which really goes against the point since death comes about whilst facillitating conflict.

Peacefulness is a way of being in the world, not of acting in the world, or implementing anything upon the world, or even expecting of the world. It influences by virtue of what it is, not what it does.

Now, of course rigidity is not the best way to deal with the wind. The oak tree loses a lot of branches that way. On the other hand, the lone leaf, which goes wherever the wind blows in a pacifist manner, gets lost, and eventually decays, because it gets nothing in terms of nurturing.
Best to be like the willow tree, which stands against the wind, and is yet unaffected due to its non-resistance.

Non-resistance is favourable to pacifism.


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