Humbly Waiting
Ego Blazing
I Know it will go away.
Patient with me, for one day I'll be ready
to be unready
experiencing the soft warmth of a flesh I have never touched
looking into the eyes of one with whom I've never spoke.
knowing the love intimately without having the love.
or do I?
Am I living the love, or is it passing me by?
It's no less real when it's no more shared.
or am I wrong.
I can't say I'm scared.
If it is meant to be there's no point to it anyways.
It's meant to be good, meant for a certain way.
If it's not meant to be, it's still meant to be right.
Freedom is not 'yes I will' it's 'I might'.
A love with no bounds,
A love that may never happen,
has happened.
A love that is perfect
is happy
whatever the outcome.
Smiling at praise.
Nod at criticism.
hold my thoughts still.
Wonder about things.
Bold my stance
Firm my stability
With silence and heavy eyes
gently my heart sings.
How to Say Nothing, and Mean It
a point without a premise.
a premise without a point.
the intent has been set forth,
but the path is out of joint.
a premise without a point.
a point without a premise.
a shot without a target,
yields a hit that marks a miss.
The song that needn't be played
In notes that can't be made
As voices haven't sung
As It and I are One
a river of love
ebbs and flows
float with the current
wherever it goes
twisting and turning
in every direction
timeless beauty
with eloquent rhythm
softly it calls
lowering gently
over the falls
the current slows down
the river wide-opens
back to it's source
One with the Ocean
What fortune found
To have a friend
Whereupon this journey
We could spend
A moment here
Seeing clear
The Silence
Surrender to Grace
gazing, full with wonder
aesthetic fluence in the world around
as a boat on the ocean
with waves the soul bounds
caress of the heavens
fills hearts of space
cognitive efforts
surrender to grace
Love Poem
This feeling fills
It doth persist
A healing warmth
Vague as mist
Betroths this heart
A radiant field
All wants and needs
The feeler yields
He gives up All
So to embrace
A higher Truth
To bathe in Grace
He loves her not
It's not from him
He feels on a whim
No, this Love subsists
Even when disaligned
It encompasses souls
So that they're combined
The caring endures
Glowing forth from his chest
By no will of his own
This union impressed
Her joy is his own
As hers is in he
Entangled by Love
Two drops meet in the sea.
So involved in desire
So involved in the pain
So involved in the story of the hero once again
So involved we compete
So involved we show pride
So involved in the view that we have from outside
So we just let it in
So we just let it go
So we know that the mind is the screen for the show
So we bend with the wind
So we go with the flow
So we follow the plot that continues to grow
So the reel nears it's end
So the credits start to roll
So we find all along that we watched from the soul
So we've learned who we are
So we aren't what we see
So we're not so involved
So in truth we are free
Heart Chakra
A fire without sound
let spirit abound
pouring forth from the chest
by love at last found
thru the door of the soul
enter into the whole
as inside, all around
what the heavens extol
A dancer and her dance
Existence as one with her essence
Though it may not be apparent
Figuratively perfect
Since she does well not to realize it
of the moment she is fervent
Her mind is ripe
Humility makes her bold
her honesty the root component
She’s on the edge
Of discovering herself in this perspective
Seeing herself in the moment
Above and beyond
She’s all this and less
Words can’t relay what’s inherent
The paragon of woman
The epitome of God’s grace
Divinity’s crowning adornment
This Love
As it comes
Loving you by loving the world
Yeah this love is what hearts are made for
Escaping eloquence gripping us tight
When it holds you it holds every child
When you breathe it’s what fills you inside
It’s the spirit that carries
the will that subsides
It’s the depth of your soul
And the light for your eyes
It’s the malleable stone
Soft hands work to the bone
Sculpting links in a chain that can lead us back home
It’s the wind in the forest
The sound of your voice
It’s the driver beside you
Your freedom of choice
And it flows
And it fills
Sometimes pushes
Sometimes gives
As it comes
Loving you by loving the world
What to Bring to Work
An arbitrary assertion
'this is hard'
lame as can be
defeated at once by the force I call 'me'
is the puzzle inherently tough?
the Truth shall set me free
a prisoner of my impressions
is the honeycomb so complex to the bee?
why should this be such a challenging feat?
as easy as moving my arms
walking on my legs
turning a wrench
hauling kegs
no task is stronger than my mind
all work is as difficult as I find
when I bring it joy
it brings me peace
and when I bring love
the work loves me back.
Flo and I
"Nothing real can be threatened."
A phrase seared in my mind.
How it was so easy to accept, after the first time I saw her,
That we might never meet again.
Talk about impressions burned in the mind though!
Her love.
Her warmth.
Her kindness.
Radiant like the glow of the sun.
Something about her...
This encounter would change the course of my life.
I knew.
Almost a year later we met again.
"Wow. She is just..."
It seemed impossible that I let her go the first time.
Her Joy is now my soul's desire. My Self is hers.
A deep sense of living completeness...
Perhaps due to the way my spirit is reflected so clearly in hers;
Perhaps in the way our reciprocal strengths and hurdles compliment.
A nurturing wholeness.
Her heart has opened parts of me I never knew.
The journey into her soul and the road to mine are a singular path.
When once, the edge of my being was marked by a Mind,
Now it seems difficult to distinguish where I end and where she begins.
Freedom in the uncertainty of Life.
Anchored in the Truth of our Love
A phrase comes to mind...
"Nothing real can be threatened."
The indivisible totality of existence
as viewed through pinholes in the fabric of time.
A timeless, changeless, limitless whole
seems constrained – to the temporal, changing, limited mind.
Like frames on a film strip passing by...
The illusion. The excitement. The interest.
What’s to come? What’s to find?
Cassette in hand; the whole plot fulfilled.
as pa,
after par,
after part,
is spilled.
O Perception: the Great Constraint.
What of the Truth is there left to paint?
Do we think that we’re painters,
when in fact we’re the brush?
Do we think that we’re brushes,
when in fact we’re the push?
From the Artist’s hand,
to the Artist’s mind.
We step forth through the gate
then look back just to find,
That no gate e’er was there;
that before we were blind.
But who was blind?
With eternity found,
we are set free from time.
Where unending Silence,
is the stage for all sound.
Where from infinite Stillness,
is all movement found.
Where on eternal absence,
doth Light shine its face.
Where the world of form,
dwells in l-i-m-i-t-l-e-s-s Space .
Artefacts of Totality nearing,
a realization of its true Self.
Who Am I?
Perception the Bridge,
Or perception the Wall?
Which stands between me and the world.
Or is it a mirror,
Reflecting at me
My Self come completely unfurled?
Could I be an illusion?
A thoughtless conclusion?
A something which stands clear apart?
Or am I a question?
Pre-answer digestion,
A mystery from bottom to top?
Am I a persona?
Which stands quite alone?
A window to all that's outside?
Or am I a vessel
For something that's more?
Or have I just come for the ride?
Perhaps I'm a fish?
Could I be the water?
Or could I be both as a whole?
I might be a tooth,
Which can't bite itself.
A something that never may know.
Squish. Hmm. Ha. Ahh. Good Karma.
A life ends at the sole of my shoe.
No thought for its life.
No thought for its soul.
No thought for the life which once made the world whole.
Is there anything I can do?
Can I remedy this?
Can I pay for my crime?
Can I bring back its life? Can I go back in time?
I could hold a bug funeral!
Would it ease my mind?
Would it please the bug?
Would it hold off the wrath that I'm due from above?
There's a lesson in this.
Thank-you bug.
Thank-you life.
Thank-you universe, for setting me right!
Two lives begin at the soul of my being.
Reborn with awareness.
Reborn to care.
Reborn with a spider I was meant to meet there.
Letting Go
Drop what's in my hand,
without a second thought.
But with layers
layers of frustration,
hold on with all I've got.
Take the anger.
Grip it tighter.
Grip it tighter yet.
This feeling of discomfort;
Closed as a fist can get.
I open up my sweaty palm
and roll the object 'round.
Notice that it's not attached;
that I'm not tied or bound.
I am it,
or I have it.
Why struggle to hold on?
If I could only let it go,
my hurting would be... G o n e.
Find my comfort.
Focus Inward.
Live with open hand.
I needn't grip things any longer,
blown away like sand.
At core I'm silent,
I'm at Peace.
Air in a bubble,
finds r e l e a s e.
No more with pain or darkness,
no longer hurt by lies.
No longer blinded by scales,
which once covered my eyes.
This is what the wind feels like.
Unhindered by confine.
Set free all my frustrations;
they're here
but they're not mine.
A Perfect Tree
A sapling
guided up through soil by the sun
from its source in the ground to its source in the sky
to a spire from a seed, it becomes
In infancy the tree endures
over storm, step and struggle, life is won
recorded in the rings of time
trials help the tree to grow tall and strong
As it ages it seeks space to grow
solidly established it climbs on
ever longing to hug heaven's light
it opens up its arms one branch by one
It reaches up and reaches out
does not deny its shade to anyone
though not the tallest, thickest, or most picturesque
its service to the world is not undone
A perfect vision of itself
through birth and life and death goes Nature's son
an everlasting gesture of Her wealth
for in its wake we find new life begun

A Simple Life
If you remember how love put the beat in your step
and how the rain never got your heart wet
you can go back to a time when we all got along
If you remember that love is the breath of this living song…
you can put all your pain in the past
and we'll carry on
So open on up and let the love shine in
I know we've done it before-we're gonna do it again
Come on and live your peace, go on and shine that light
With just a little faith, we find that things go alright
I know that life is good for the soul
as we all grow on
Just look at where we've come
Take your time
and understand
it's a simple life
I know that you've got your handful of troubles
and you know that I've got mine
But when you look out for me, I can look out for you
Just got to trust in people, not much else we can do
'cuz when it all falls down, I'm gonna pick you up
you know that we're all brothers and that's more than enough
we'll just lean on each other as life
keeps on moving on
Just look at where we've come
Take your time
and understand
it's a simple life
Take your time
and understand
it's a simple life
and things will work out right
Elementary particles
Created; not coloured
All alone they have nothing to show
But arranged as an atom
Bombarded by light
We witness a glorious glow
A single Molecule
Water; not wet
A pair of 'H' with a unit of 'O'
So little to it
This lone unit
Some traits, only union bestows
An endless vacuum
There; not here
A volume without a divide
But fill it with objects
and orbits
and light
Then a context connects all inside
Though the vacuum has not a locale of its own
Its contents are spatially tied
Then what of Love?
Unconditional; under the right conditions
An emerging property too?
Does it only appear, between me and you?
Or is it always here?
Though it's not always clear?
Is emergence its coming to view?
Death and Loss
all the data of the holographic universe
stored in the quantum computer
whether it's accessed or not
though I know not all,
it is yet known,
just not by me
therein lies my bias
since I can't imagine death
to imagine the hollow;
the empty…
takes awareness
I just can't manage to smother the Self
long enough to allow
for the possibility of nothing
an after life?
after what?
can I ever evade the Now?
even Loss,
I can't quite grasp
though fear of loss has made me gasp
if I say goodnight, is your love not mine?
how far apart, in space and time,
must someone be?
can we ever lose what we've set free?
as sure as I am that I can't lose you
you were never mine, this much is true
can I try the same on my Self too?
if I set me free
will I not be lost?
I do not know.
when did life even begin?
Simple kindness has no backlash
never leads to loss or despair
If I'm to be the change
it's kindness
that my world should get to wear
I can't just dream about it
it's something I must be
like the flame of a candle
lights another
to give myself
does not hurt me
To live with Peace does not consume
nor overwhelm
it does illume
it paints the world with Love and Light
does not divide the wrong and right
It ends all conflicts with forgiveness
melts all worry
caters to bliss
complete and perfect; life benign
in every moment – yours and mine
Hey, Love!
Hey, Tree! Come on and shine your shade
Give rest and comfort by your design
Let me hang from your branches
Let me roll in your leaves
Let me live life with freedom
Cherish the breeze
…these are expressions, of Her embrace
Caress of the heavens, surrender to Grace
Hey, Love!
You're the silence in sound
The cure to my worries
You're all that's around
Hey, Wind! Come on and give your touch
Lift up my spirits with your gentle push
Let me roar in your streams
Let me ride on your waves
Let me go your direction
Feel like I'm safe
Hey, Rain! Come on and drip your scent
Wash me clean with refreshing descent
Let me be free of anger
Let me be free of pain
Set me free from resistance
And I'll be pure again
The rain, it doesn't just fall on the bad
And the rose when she smiles…
It doesn't matter who you are
Or what your trial is
Just live Love
'Cuz that's what life is
Hey, Sun! Come on and wrap that warmth
Blanket the world with nurturing arms
Let us comfort each other
Let us heal in your light
Let us change our direction
Live for what's right
And there you have it! A bunch of Rob-Poetry!
Have a groovy-awesome day!
1 comment:
What a beautiful poem sweetheart! The imagery is so incredibly vibrant and rich and your words flow together so peacefully. Such a beautiful metaphor for life; I love how it is not explicitly stated but is sweetly made apparent through the tree. Trees are so beautiful! And yes, they are "perfect." :) I love you so much Rob! I am so proud to be your girlfriend. To be able to put thoughts into words like that is a gift; it is creativity at its best. It is beautiful you. I love you sweetie. May you always have this gift, and I know you will!
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