Tuesday, October 02, 2007

Atheism and Theism

Buddha didn’t use the term ‘God’ since it had so many different meanings to so may different people. He was definitely on to something there.

It does seem silly in a way for any of us to call ourselves atheists or theists since there’s really no difinitive…definition, of what God is.

So, in the effort to dissolve polarities and give people a common ground to meet on, could it possibly be acceptable to both atheists and theists to say that God is the Nature of nature?
I mean, beyond that, the whole thing continues to be a subjective process of discovery, evaluation and insight where one may or may not find religiosity to be useful in the spiritual quest…where he may or may not define God for himself at greater depth…

I’m reminded of an article that I read a while back with Dr. Amit Goswami(One of the featured speakers in the ‘What the Bleep’ movie), where he explains that we’ve sort of been approaching our understanding of life in an odd way.
For centuries we’ve looked at the world as though matter was the foundation of all being, when in fact, with our current understanding, it would appear that Consciousness is the ground of being!

So, if God is the Nature of nature, and Consciousness is the ground of being, it seems as though a relationship between Divinity and the individual is much more tangible.
In non-theist terms, one could say that there is a clear relationship between subjectivity and the nature of experience.

Certainly there are some belief sets which don’t agree at all with this notion. Nevertheless, it could possibly serve to bring many of us together in greater effect.

Peace to All,


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