From :
These holistic lectures were first presented to a variety of recovery organizations and clinicians from diverse backgrounds.
The emphasis is on recovery in its fullest sense - mental, physical, psychological and spiritual. To "heal" means to make whole, in contrast to "treating" which is limited and short-sighted.
The author draws from a diverse clinical background of over 50 years as a foremost leader in the field, as emphasized in greater detail in a series of over eight books on the subject of human consciousness itself, which is intimately intertwined with health, as well as behavior and the psychological underpinnings of human existence.
This companion to all the lectures is a compendium and dedication to the relief of human suffering in its various expressions. To truly heal is to "make whole" on all levels.
This is sure to be one of the more practical books that the Doc has written. While the others are valuable in the sense of potentiating understanding and recontextualization of negative ways of looking at various issues and subjects, this one may offer the same (recontextualizing how we look at health), with more. Needless to say, it’s sure to be another must-have for any spiritual seeker’s bookshelf.
Also by Dr. Hawkins:
Hello Rob, My name is Danielle. I am also in Canada and currently a graduate student at UBCO. Yes! a lover of Truth! Yes Spirituality is also my greatest fascination! and yes Love my greatest teacher!! I am in the final stages of my masters degree in education and I am using David Hawkins book Power vs. Force in my research. I work full time as a teacher and wished that I had more time to look into Hawkins other books. What I am curious to understand is how the calibrations can be attained on inanimate objects such as books, because I thought that the data was collected using muscle testing techniques. It is a bit vague in "Power vs Force" as to how books (or even whole civilizations) were measured? I am using the Tao Te Ching as a spiritual resource for creating kid friend lesson plans with the goal of starting to raise the collective consciousness through public education. Do you know the calibration of the Tao Te Ching? The new BC curriculum has allowed much more freedom and calls for us to teach "core competencies" such as personal awareness. This seems to me to be an opening for infusing secular spiritual education into our schools. In my literature review I'd like to provide as much science about consciousness as possible, especially the map of consciousness. As long as there is no religiosity involved, and the lessons are inquiry based within a constructivist pedagogy then it could fly! Let me know if you can help with further understandings of Hawkins research.
thank you so much
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