Saturday, March 22, 2008

The People that We Love

   There are many people in my life who have stirred my soul and moved me in ways that I simply cannot describe. Most of these people probably have no idea that they have affected my life in such a profound way. A few such people were former classmates who, as teenagers, lived with a delightful charisma - an energy that could lift the spirits of an entire room. Fascinatingly, these people were not always the enlightened sort; they were merely those exceptional individuals whose potential shone clear as day, regardless of the perhaps questionable life choices they were making at the time. These are the people who have gone on to be mothers and fathers; people who have gone on adventures and who have either found their calling in life, or have committed themselves to finding one; people who, whether conscious of it or not, live by the path of the heart.

   It is somewhat strange to be so moved by the fact that a woman has become a mother, or by the fact that a man has gone on to be a doctor, considering that these are the most ancient of vocations. What is so moving, however, is the way that the seemingly commonplace can be so profoundly transformative. Changes contextualized as opportunities instigate a commitment to truth and compassion that is both exquisite to experience, and sublime to bear witness to.

   Teachers. Doctors. Parents. Friends. With love, these people who live via their hearts can be so bold and yet so gentle in their actions, that it appears they act with the same discretion and care toward others that one would employ in performing surgery on his own fragile spirit. These are people who may have appeared lost at points in their lives only to have overcome by persistence and solidary commitment to an order of the good that they may only have ever known by faith. Though faith is a strange way to describe it, because there is nothing for them to doubt. Perhaps by the mere fact of their alignment with the good, they are affirmed in their belief in it, for how else would such an alignment be possible?

   In any case, I am compelled to express gratitude for these people. I have not even encroached upon an accurate description of their importance in the world, let alone in my life; I have merely set my gaze with awe in their direction. To simply be aware of you all is humbling. No acts or words can embody the love and gratitude that your presence in the world inspires. Thank-you for the blessings that you are, anonymously in the lives of so many who will never get the opportunity to thank you personally, and for the way that you proceed without thought of recognition. Thank-you for the wholeness that is you, and for the inspiration that uplifts my soul. You are truly beautiful spirits.

yours in peace,


Tuesday, March 11, 2008

A New Earth: Eckhart Tolle and Oprah

Beginning on March 3rd, 2008, Oprah and Eckhart Tolle began a free online course that will run for 10 weeks on Monday nights at 8pm on  Live, viaA New Earth web cast and chat, Oprah and Eckhart will discuss a new chapter each week and take calls from the live Internet audience via chat, Skype, and email. Each episode is archived on the Tuesday following the live show, and can be watched free-of-charge at your own leisure - so if you missed the start and would like to get caught up with everyone, or, if you'd just like to see what the course is all about, go to and check it out for yourself. 'Chapter One: The Flowering of Human Consciousness' is an excellent introduction to the coursewith some great tips and explanation regarding stillness, being in the now, and really seeing things as they are.

Now, if you are at all familiar with the work of Dr. David R. Hawkins MD, PhD, it might be of great interest to you that Eckhart's book, 'A New Earth' calibrates at Consciousness level 480. This is a level which pushes the boundaries of the intellect, venturing forth into the abstract and nonlinear with the intent of harvesting a greater understanding of man's higher nature.

Given that the United States and Canada currently calibrate in the low 400s on the Map of Consciousness, the material being discussed on the program is still very accessible to the people who will be experiencing it - and if this is your first taste of Eckhart Tolle's work, his first book, 'The Power of Now' calibrates at about 555 on the Map of Consciousness and provides some excellent teachings which will surely build on those of 'A New Earth'.

What is most incredible about the course is the fact that it is so effortlessly assembling millions and millions of people to serve a highly spiritual purpose. Events such as this have the potential to create a field of positivity that can most literally change the world. I haven't quite finished reading the book yet, but I've no doubt that the sort of change that such a project could bring about is directly a reflection of the 'New Earth' that the book is speaking about. And it all starts with the Self - Becoming fully, that which it Is.


Sunday, March 02, 2008

Recognizing Essence by Assessing Spirit

Does this:

"I Love You"

Mean the same thing as this:



Neither the letters, the words, or the actions carry the meaning of what is expressed. They are merely the medium. The Spirit of the expression carries the meaning. Does one expression 'feel' more genuine? What about if I were to write, "I love you" in the context of this explanation? Does it 'feel' more genuine in this case than in the first? This one was directed specifically at the reader (you). It is amazing how the context of the expression serves to illuminate the Spirit of the expression.

Mother Teresa once said "If we cannot do great things, then we can do small things with great Love". It is the Spirit with which we do things that gives them meaning. A gesture as small as saying the words "I love you" can fall on deaf ears, or it can change a life, depending on the spirit with which they are uttered.
