Books: (Last Updated September 24th, 2008)
Some Self-Calibrations of books that were lying around (subject to error as I'm just starting to get the hang of the technique):
965 - Transcending the Levels of Consciousness, by David R. Hawkins
722 - The Spiritual Teaching of Ramana Maharshi w/ Foreword by C.G.Jung
720 - I Am That: Talks with Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj
715 - The Collected Works of Ramana Maharshi, edited by Arthur Osborne
710 - Prayer: Seeking the Heart of God, by Mother Teresa of Calcutta and Brother Roger of Taize
700 - God is Love Alone, by Brother Roger of Taize
588 - Praying Our Goodbyes: Understanding the Spirituality of Change in Our Lives, by Joyce Rupp, O.S.M.
579 - Serenity: A Companion for Twelve Step Recovery - Complete with New Testament, Psalms, and Proverbs, by Dr. Robert Hemfelt and Dr. Richard Fowler
560 - A Return to Love, by Marianne Williamson
556 - The Power of Now, by Eckhart Tolle
553 - All For Her, by Father Patrick Peyton, C.S.C.
552 - One Day at a Time in Al-Anon, by the Al-Anon Family Group
550 - The Path to Love, by Deepak Chopra
549 - Transitions - Prayers and Declarations for a Changing Life, by Julia Cameron
546 - You Can Heal Your Life, by Louise L. Hay
539 - Letter To Families, from Pope John Paul II
525 - Love, by Leo Buscaglia
521 - Dreams and Healing: A Succinct and Lively Interpretation of Dreams, by John A. Sanford
520 - Called to be Friends, by Paula Ripple, FSPA
520 - Confessions of St. Augustine, Translated by F.J. Sheed
517 - Chicken Soup for the Teenage Soul III, by Jack Canfield
512 - Meditations from the Road, by M. Scott Peck
511 - The Monastic Journey, by Thomas Merton
511 - Chicken Soup for the Couple's Soul, by Jack Canfield
510 - The Road Less Traveled-25th Anniversary Edition, by M. Scott Peck
505 - Chicken Soup for the Soul, by Jack Canfield
505 - The Image of His Maker, by Robert Edward Brennan, O.P.
501 - Man's Search for Meaning, by Viktor E. Frankl
500 - Beyond Codependency - And Getting Better All the Time, by Melody Beattie
499 - Plato's Theaetetus, Trans. by M.J. Levett, Edited by Bernard Williams, Revised by Myles Burnyeat
498 - The Seven Spiritual Laws for Parents, by Deepak Chopra
494 - Perfect Health: The Complete Mind/Body Guide, by Deepak Chopra
494 - The Pain and the Possibility: Divorce & Separation Among Catholics, by Paula Ripple, FSPA
492 - Now For Something Totally Different: A Study of The Sermon on the Mount, by Stuart Briscoe
490 - We: Understanding the Psychology of Romantic Love, by Robert A. Johnson
490 - On Death and Dying, by Elizabeth Kubler-Ross
490 - Descartes' Discourse on Method and Meditations on First Philosophy 4th Ed., Translated by Donald A. Cress
489 - Gray's Anatomy, by Henry Gray
485 - When Bad Things Happen to Good People, by Harold S. Kushner
483 - The Journeys of Socrates, by Dan Millman
480 - The Purpose Driven Life, by Rick Warren
480 - Plato's Republic, translated by G.M.A. Grube and Revised by C.D.C. Reeve
480 - A New Earth, by Eckhart Tolle
478 - The Wisdom of Healing: A Natural Mind Body Program for Optimal Wellness, by David Simon
477 - The Man Who Wrestled with God: Light from the Old Testament on the Psychology of Individuation(Revised and updated), by John A. Sanford
475 - Plato's Gorgias, Translated by Donald J. Zeyl
475 - Feminist Issues: Race, Class, and Sexuality 4th Ed. edited by Nancy Mandell
473 - Philosophy: The Power of Ideas, 6th Ed., by Brooke Noel Moore and Kenneth Bruder
470 - How to Enjoy Your Life in Spite of it All, by Ken Keyes, Jr.
470 - Legends of the Elders Handbook for Teachers, Homeschoolers, and Parents, by John W. Friesen & Virginia Lyons Friesen
470 - Legends of the Elders, by John W. Friesen
469 - Philosophy of Education: An Anthology, Edited by Randall Curren
468 - The Dream Tree, by Stephen Crosgrove
465 - Plato's Five Dialogues: Euthyphro, Apology, Crito, Meno, Phaedo 2nd Ed., Translated by G.M.A. Grube
465 - Three Dialogues Between Hylas and Philonous, by George Berkeley
463 - The Great Philosophers, by Jeremy Stangroom and James Garvey
462 - Quantum Healing: Exploring the Frontiers of Mind/Body Medicine, by Deepak Chopra
460 - The Essential Ken Wilber, by Ken Wilber
460 - The BFG, by Roald Dahl
458 - Dynamic Anatomy, by Burne Hogarth
458 - Constructive Anatomy, by George B. Bridgman
457 - Bridgman's Complete Guide to Drawing from Life, by George B. Bridgman
457 - The Six Pillars of Self-Esteem, by Nathaniel Branden
455 - Why Was I Adopted?, By Carole Livingston
455 - Talking it Out: A Guide to Groups for Abused Women, by Ginny NiCarthy, Karen Merriam and Sandra Coffman
455 - Allison DuBois: Don't Kiss Them Good-Bye, by Allison DuBois
453 - The Brain that Changes Itself: Stories of Personal Triumph from the Frontiers of Brain Science, by Norman Doigde
451 - Still More Legends of the Elders, by John W. Friesen & Virginia Lyons Friesen
450 - Because a Little Bug Went Ka-Choo!, by Rosetta Stone
450 - Even More Legends of the Elders, by John W. Friesen & Virginia Lyons Friesen
450 - The Sedona Method, by Hale Dwoskin
450 - The Alchemist, by Paulo Coelho
450 - Utilitarianism and the 1868 Speech on Capital Punishment 2nd Ed., by John Stuart Mill
450 - The Question of God, by Armand M. Nicholi, Jr.
450 - An Introduction to Brain and Behavior, 2nd Ed., by Bryan Kolb and Ian Q. Whishaw
446 - Atlas of Anatomy, Giunti Editorial Group
444 - The Seat of the Soul, by Gary Zukav
440 - More Legends of the Elders, by John W. Friesen & Virginia Lyons Friesen
440 - The RoutledgeFalmer Reader in Philosophy of Education, edited by Wilfred Carr
440 - An Enquiry Concerning Human Understanding with A Letter from a Gentleman to His Friend in Edinburgh and Hume's Abstract of A Treatise of Human Nature, by David Hume
437 - You & Your Adolescent: A Parent's Guide for Ages 10-20, by Laurence Steinberg, PhD., & Ann Levine
437 - Social Psychology: Unravelling the Mystery, 3rd Ed., by Douglas T. Kenrick, Steven L. Neuberg, Robert B. Cialdini
430 - The Problems of Philosophy, by Bertrand Russell
423 - Guilty, O Lord: Yes I Still Go to Confession, by Bernard Basset, S.J/Meditations: Reflections on the Incarnation, by Ladislaus Boros (Two books in one volume)
420 - Yielding to Courage: The Spiritual Path to Overcoming Fear, by Judith C. Lechman
420 - My Mother/My Self: The Daughter's Search for Identity, by Nancy Friday
420 - Good Business, by Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi
418 - The Greatest Salesman in the World, by Og Mandino
415 - Foxes, by Jo Windsor
415 - Big Blue, by Shelley Gill
415 - The Paper Bag Princess, by Robert N. Munsch
412 - Little Visits with God: Devotions for Families with Grade School Children, by Allan Hart Jahsmann and Martin P. Simon
412 - Feng Shui: The Traditional Oriental Way to Enhance Your Life, by Stephen Skinner
410 - The Five People You Meet In Heaven, by Mitch Albom
400 - Philosophy of Natural Science, by Carl Hempel
399 - Little Miss Giggles, by Roger Hargreaves
397 - 30 Beautiful Things That Are True About You, by Douglas Pagels
394 - How to Raise Your Self-Eseem, by Nathaniel Branden
392 - The Zahir, by Paulo Coelho
376 - Unequal Relations: An Introduction to Race, Ethnic, and Aboriginal Dynamics in Canada 5th Ed., by Augie Fleras and Jean Leonard Elliott
375 - Big Bubba Hippo, by Jill Eggleton
360 - A Salmon for Simon, by Betty Waterton
356 - Beckoning Lights, by Monica Hughes
356 - Is There Really a Human Race?, by Jamie Lee Curtis & Laura Cornell
340 - Irish Red, by Jim Kjelgaard
340 - Beardance, by Will Hobbs
331 - Whoever You Are, by Mem Fox
330 - Eat, Pray, Love, by Elizabeth Gilbert
310 - I Like Boxes, by Jo Windsor
305 - The Agent's Secret Child, by B.J. Daniels
290 - Poems for Pleasure: An Anthology (Book II), by A.F. Scott
288 - The Rapture of Canaan, by Sheri Reynolds
255 - The LORE of Still Building: A primer on the production of alcohol for food and fuel, by Kathleen Howard and Norman Gibat
252 - Snakes! And the Boy who was Afraid of Them, by Barry Louis Polisar
244 - The Prayer of Jabez, by Bruce Wilkinson
240 - Raven Returns the Water, by Anne Cameron
239 - Holy War: The Crusades and Their Impact on Today's World, by Karen Armstrong
225 - Underground to Canada, by Barbara Smucker
215 - A Garden of Whales, by Maggie Steinchron Davis
215 - The White Mountains, by John Christopher
212 - Race Against Time 2nd Ed., by Stephen Lewis
210 - Leaving Home, by David French
205 - The First Nations of British Columbia 2nd Ed., by Robert J. Muckle
200 - Lazy Boy, by Anne Cameron
180 - Haunted Highways: Ghost Stories & Strange Tales, by Dan Asfar
177 - A Million Little Pieces, by James Frey
85 - Sacrifice of Isaac, by Neil Gordon
550 - The Tibetan Book of The Dead (trans. Gyurme Dorje)
540 - Filial Piety Sutra
530 - I and Thou, by Martin Buber
515 - Pensees, by Blaise Pascal (trans. Trotter)
510 - Unconditional Bliss, by Raphael Cushnir
490 - The Abundance Book, by Lawrence Cane
490 - The Heart of Philosophy, by Jacob Needleman
470 - Thresholds of the Mind, by Bill Harris
470 - The Abolition of Man, by C.S. Lewis
465 - The Power of Letting Go, by Patricia Carrington
460 - Tales of the Dervishes, by Idries Shah
460 - Future of the Body, by Michael Murphy
450 - Fear and Trembling, by Soren Kierkegaard
440 - Dynamic Energetic Healing, by Howard Brockman
440 - The Dark Side of The Light Chasers, by Debbie Ford
440 - A Moth to the Flame, by Connie Zweig
440 - The Concept of The Political, by Carl Schmitt
440 - Soul Without Shame, by Byron Brown
430 - Autobiography of a Yogi, by Paramahansa Yogananda
430 - The Way of the Superior Man, by David Deida
425 - Heretics, by G. K. Chesterton
423 - Science of the Sacraments, by C. W. Leadbeater
420 - Mastering Successful Work, by Tarthang Tulku
420 - Skillful Means, by Tarthang Tulku
420 - Re-thinking History, by Keith Jenkins
420 - Prophet's Way, by Thom Hartmann
420 - Leviathan, by Thomas Hobbes
420 - Coming Back to Life, by Joanna Macy
420 - From Dawn to Decadence, by Jacques Barzan
410 - On the Social Contract, by Jean-Jacques Rousseau (Masters trans.)
410 - Boomeritis, by Ken Wilber
400 - The Three Theban Plays, by Sophocles (Hawkins has calibrated the author at 465)
(somewhere in) 400's - Everyday Grace, by Marianne Williamson (see Stargazer)
400 - Jonathan Livingston Seagull by Richard Bach
400 - The Power of Partnership, by Riane Eisler
400 - Maus, by Art Spiegelman
380 - Getting Things Done, by David Allen
365 - Master Key System by Charles F Haanel (see Stargazer)
360 - Flow, by Mihaly Czikszentmihalyi
350 - Architects of the Culture of Death, by Donald De Marco and Benjamin Wiker
345 - The Hero With A Thousand Faces, by Joseph Campbell
343 - Richest Man in Babylon, by George S. Clason
340 - Fire in the Belly, by Sam Keen
330 - Energy Medicine, by Donna Eden
320 - 10 Books That Screwed Up the World: And 5 Others That Didn't Help, by Benjamin Wiker
320 - Feel the Fear and Do It Anyway, by Susan Jeffers
300 - Path Notes of an American Ninja Master, by Glenn Morris
185 - Breaking the Death Habit, by Leonard Orr
180 - Orientalism, by Edward W. Said
180 - Prometheus Rising, by Robert Anton Wilson
175 - Ask and It Is Given, by Esther and Jerry Hicks
175 - Info-Psychology, by Timothy Leary
175 - Angel Tech, by Antero Alli
no permission - Notes to Myself, by Hugh Prather - no permission
no permission - Aquarian Gospel [of Jesus the Christ, by Levi & Eva Dowling]
And here are book/writings calibrations from other sources:
750's - Perfect Wisdom - The Short Prajnaparamita Texts (trans. Edward Conze)
560 - Philosophical Texts, by St. Thomas Aquinas
550's - The Essential Writings of Frithjof Schuon
511-519 - The Philosophic Basis of Mysticism, by T.H. Hughes
501-509 - The Breath of God, by Swami Chetanananda
480's - Cosmic Consciousness edited, by R.M. Bucke
466 - A Brief History of Everything, by Ken Wilber
440's - The Hidden Gospel, by Neil Douglas-Klotz
430 - The Ragamuffin Gospel, by Brennan Manning
420's - Out of My Later Years (compiled writings by Einstein, mainly from the 1930's and 40's)
799 – "Meditations on the Tarot: A Journey into Christian Hermeticism"
795 – Sadhguru Jaggi Vasudev – "Encounter the Enlightened"
780 – The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali (Sri Swami Satchidananda translation copyright 1978, 1984, 1990 Integral Yoga Publications)
770 – Sadhguru Jaggi Vasudev – "Mystic's Musings"
740 – Harish Johari – "Chakras: Energy Centers of Transformation"
740 – Paramahamsa Yogananda – "Autobiography of a Yogi"
700 – Richard Smoley – "Inner Christianity: A Guide to the Esoteric Tradition"
700 – Elaine Pagels – "The Origin of Satan"
675 – Thom Hartmann – "The Prophet's Way"
655 – Andreas Moritz – "Lifting the Veil of Duality"
625 – Masaru Emoto – "The Hidden Messages in Water"
615 – Richard Smoley and Jay Kinney – "Hidden Wisdom"
599 – Fritjof Capra – "The Tao of Physics"
595 – Elaine Pagels – "Adam, Eve, and the Serpent"
570 – Mantak Chia – "Awaken Healing Energy Through the Tao"
565 – Marianne Williamson – "Illuminata: A Return to Prayer"
560 – Elaine Pagels – "The Gnostic Gospels"
560 – Caroline Myss, Ph.D. – "Why People Don’t Heal and How They Can"
540 – Daniel A. Helminiak, Ph.D. - "What the Bible Really Says About Homosexuality"
535 – "From the Ashes: A Spiritual Response to the Attack on America" (a compilation of essays by spiritual authors/teachers in response to 9/11)
500 – Christian de la Huerta – "Coming Out Spiritually: the next step"
500 – Thom Hartmann – "The Last Hours of Ancient Sunlight"
499 – Graham Hancock – "Fingerprints of the Gods: The Evidence of Earth's Lost Civilization"
485 – Barbara Honegger – "October Surprise"
480 - Elaine Pagels – "Beyond Belief: The Secret Gospel of Thomas"
475 – Thom Hartmann – "We The People: A Call to Take Back America"
445 – Thom Hartmann - "Unequal Protection"
400 - Paul Devereux – "Places of Power: Measuring the secret energy of ancient sites"
345 - The Hero With A Thousand Faces, by Joseph Campbell
135 – David Ray Griffin – "The New Pearl Harbor: Disturbing Questions About the Bush Administration and 9/11" (author calibrates at 445)
90 - Mein Kampf, by Adolf Hitler
And here are book calibrations from other sources:
999.8 - I: Reality and Subjectivity, by David R. Hawkins
980 - The Eye of the I - From Which Nothing Is Hidden, by David R. Hawkins
970 - The Upanishads
910 - The Bhagavad Gita
905 - The Zohar
895 - Nicene Creed
880 - Lamsa Bible(minus the OT, Revelation, but incl. Gen, Psalms, Proverbs)
850 - Power vs. Force: The Hidden Determinants of Human Behaviour, by David R. Hawkins
840 - Dhammapada
810 - Ramayana, by Valmiki
795 - Zen Teachings of Bodhidharma
790 - New Testament(King James Version minus Book of Revelation)
780 - Lotus Sutra
780 - Heart Sutra
750 - Reality, Spirituality, And Modern Man, by David R. Hawkins
740 - Yoga Sutras of Patanjali
730 - Summa Theologica, by St. Thomas Aquinas
720 - The Koran
705 - The Cloud of Unknowing
710 - Shankara
705 - Rig Veda, by Krishna
700 - The Diamond Sutra
699 - Gospel of St. Luke
665 - Midrash
665 - Mishna, by Yeduha Ha-Nasi
660 - Genesis(Lamsa Bible)
660 - Gospel of St. Thomas
650 - Psalms(Lamsa Bible)
645 - Aggadah
640 - New Testament(King James Version from the Greek)
640 - The Flowing Light of the Godhead, by Mechthild of Magdeburg
635 - Vijnana Bhairava
610 - Tao te Ching
605 - The Dark Night of the Soul, by Saint John of the Cross
600 - A Course in Miracles(Workbook)
600 - Omniology: Secret of Cosmos, by Yang Hee Lee
595 - Talmud
595 - Saved by the Light, by Dannion Brinkley (neardeather), Paul Perry, and Raymond A. Moody
595 - Embraced By The Light, by Bettie Eadie
595 - Chuang Tsu
575 - The Practise of the Presence of God, by Brother Lawrence
570 - The Book of Kells, by Keltic monks, R.A. MacAvoy [editor]
560 - Glamour: A World Problem, by Alice Ann Bailey (channelled by Djwhal Khul)
550 - A Course in Miracles(textbook)
540 - Conversations with God (Trilogy), by Neale Donald Walsch
505 - Kundalini: Psychosis or Transcendence, by Dr. Lee Sannella
505 - Divine Comedy, by Dante Alighieri
495 - Lamsa Bible(From the Aramaic)
480 - Tractatus theologico-politicus, Baruch Spinoza
475 - King James Bible(From the Greek)
430 - I Ching
420 - Alice's Adventures in Wonderland, by Lewis Carroll
405 - The Book of Mormon
400 - Gnostic Gospels
350 - Proverbs(Lamsa Bible)
320 - Feel the Fear and Do It Anyway, by Susan Jeffers
265 - The Keys of Enoch, by Professor J.J. Hurtak
265 - The Dead Sea Scrolls
260 - Harry Potter, by J.K. Rowlings
190 - The God Delusion, by Richard Dawkins
190 - The God Gene, by Dean Hammer
160 - The Skeptic's Dictionary, by Robert T. Carroll
150 - The Urantia Book, by the Urantia Foundation
130 - Stupid White Men, by Michael Moore
130 - The Capital and Manifest of the Communist Party, by Karl Marx
70 - The Book of Revelation(New Testament)